Willi Aron remembered

70 years after the young Jewish lawyer Willi Aron was murdered on 19 May 1933 in Dachau as the first Jewish victim of the Nazis from Bamberg, the local Social Democratic Party (SDP) arranged a Remembrance meeting in the mourners’ hall at the Jewish cemetery and a visit to his grave, under the guidance of Chriss Fiebig. 16 members of the SPD signed her personal vistor’s book.

Monika Bieber, the District president of the SDP referred to the humiliation and suffering of Aron even before he was murdered with incredible brutality

In the eyes of the Nazis, Aron had three faults: he was a Jew, a Social Democrat and a fighter against Faschism, so Bieber. She referred to his courage in defending other Social Democrats in Law Courts and to his weeks in “Schutzhaft” before he was sent to Dachau on 15 May 1933.

Axel-Bernd Kunze of the Young Social Democrat presidency warned that human dignity and liberty must be continuously defended. “We are grateful”, he said, “that there were people who did not allow themselvs to be intimidated and held fast to these ideals. Aron’s courage, for which he paid with his life, remains a warning and an example for us.”

Aron’s murderer was tried and convicted in a post-War court case..

Sadly, the Bamberg Jewish Community was not represented, although an invitation to the public was extended in the Fränkischer Tag the day before the remembrance meeting.

The newspaper reported the event itself on 22 May in an extended article headlined “zu Tode gequält” (tortured to death) and printed the gruesome details reported by an eye witness after the War, the former Communist City Councillor Otto Geyer.

In October, the Young Social Democrats formed the Willi Aron Society. Its aims are to remember him and his ideals, and to disseminate these, particularly among the young.



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