The Week of Brotherhood

The Society for Christian-Jewish Coo-peration, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in Franconia, again arranged the week.

The Motto of the week was a quotation from the writer Hilde Donin “Abel steh auf, damit es anders anfängt zwischen uns”, (“Abel arise, so that we can make a new start between us”), a call to remind every man and woman to participate in creating a better society in the future.

The week began on 3 March with a guided tour of the Jewish cemetery, led by Y. Deusel. At a public meeting at the Community house on 6 March, the president of the Jewish Community and Chasan Martin Rudolph talked about the design and function of a synagogue and presented the archi- tect’s plans for the new one in Bamberg.

The central event took place on 17 March. The Jewish journalist and historian Arno Lustiger, Frankfurt, (a cou- sin of Cardinal Lustiger of Paris), who spent several years in concentration camps until he was freed by the US Army in 1945, spoke about the fate of one Sergeant Schmitt, who helped 300 Jews to escape from Vilna. He had to pay for his humanity with his life. A military court condemned him to death and he was shot in April 1942. Arno Lustiger called him “a shining example in a dark night”. In 1950, Schmitt was honoured by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, and a panel with his name was placed in the Avenue of the Righteous Gentiles.

(See FT 12 March, “Ein Gerechter der Völker”).

Mayor Lauer, who again accepted the patronage of the “Week”, stressed the importance of rembering the commandment of brotherliness. All citizens must make it a central aim to use the second chance for solidarity between Christians and Jews. He also reminded his listeners that we had a duty to pass on German history in order that it remains in our consciousness.

The musical frame for the event was provided by a choir from the Franz- Ludwig-Gymnasium.

(See FT 9 May, Intoleranz und Gewalt keine Chance geben”). The memorial meeting was also reported in the Rathaus Journal .


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