Steinerne Zeugnisse - Menschliche Schicksale hinter historischen Mauern

(Reminders in Stone - Human Fate behind Walls)


The Fränkische Tag, Bamberg, runs an occasional series of well-written articles under this banner, for example two with a Jewish theme :


15. February 2001

"Vom Philosophen bis zum Mordgesellen"

(from a philosopher to a murderer)

The article relates the story of the late mediaeval Jewish "Tanzhaus", (literally "dancing house"), at the Pfahlplätzchen, at the entrance to the Judenstraße.

This house, like those in other Jewish communities, was originally intended for celebrating weddings, but it was also used for other community events.

It was in use until the Black Death troubles in 1349, when the Jews were temporarily driven away. The house was confiscated by the Bishop, who gave it as a grace and favour residence to a deserving servant of the Princebishopric. Known as the "Haus zum Krebs" (House of the Cancer), from 1604, it was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War.

The present house on the same site was a later rebuild and housed notable people, including the philosopher Hegel and a murderer (see Appendix 22).


30. August 2001

"Das tragische Ende einer Bamberger Familie"

(The tragic End of a Bamberger Family)

There was a full-page, illustrated article on the family and descendents of Dr. Jakob Dessauer. It contained one or two mistakes and at least three omissions: the hero's death of Siegfried Dessauer, one of Jacob's grandsons in the first War, the death of his great-ganddaughters Lily Dessauer under mysterious cicumstances in the second world War in London and the voluntary death of her sister Gertrude in the USA after the death of her husband after the War. Nevertheless, the article is informative and well-written (see Appendix 23).


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