Activities of the Schools

Franz-Ludwig (formerly Neues) Gymnasium

I have already mentioned, that a choir from the school sang at the opening of the Week of Brotherood (see above). The school was also one of the three in Bamberg which participated in the preparing of brief biographies of Jewish students for the above mentioned exhibition.

On 19.11.2001, the "Day of Tolerance" Franz Fichtl of the Geschichtswerkstatt Impuls talked about Jewish students living in the vicinity of the school and followed this up with a walk to point out the houses in which they lived.

On the same day, there was a film and a discussion entitled "Blue-Eyed, Experiment on the subject of Racism".

The Nazi "Race" Laws were read out over the school loudspeaker system, thus reach- ing every student.


Eichendorff Gymnasium (formerly Höhere Töchterschule)

I have already mentioned the participation of students in the project on former students.

Other students took part in the Victor Klemperer competition. Readers will be familiar with Klemperer, a "half" Jew, whose book on his experiences during the Nazi period received great acclaim.


E.T.A. Hofmann Gymnasium

(a post-War foundation)

I have already mentioned the particiption of a brass ensemble from the school at the 8 May memorial meeting.

Just before the end of 2000, Chriss Fiebig spoke on "Meeting Judaism" and in April Heinrich Olmer came for a discusssion on religious and topical subjects related to Judaism.

As every year, the most senior pupils took part in a visit to Weimar and the KZ Buchenwald. The tour is always being well prepared during lessons, and after their return, a full day event is arranged for the participants to discuss their impressions.

A multireligious service at the end of the school year is by now an established event. Chasan (Cantor) Martin Rudolph spoke on behalf of the Jewish community.

Jewish topics are sometimes studied by High School pupils for "Facharbeiten" - short dissertations before the Abitur and, if less often, for academic dissertations.

This year, I have learned of a "Facharbeit" by Matthias Göller of this school entitled "Die Entwicklung der Jüdischen Gemeinde in Bamberg 1933-1942" (The development of the Jewish Community in Bamberg 1933- 1942). While the topic has been covered before, looking at the index to this 21 page work indicates that it was well done.


The High Schools of the English Sisters

In March, Max Mannheimer, a survivor of Auschwitz gave a first-hand report of his experiences to the girls at these schools. A press report is in Appendix 16.

So far as I know, the girls in the senior forms again participated, as they have done for a about 15 years, in the annual visits to Dachau. On their return, the are expected to write essays on their reactions and conclusions.


Kaiser Heinrich Gymnasium

(a post-War foundation)

To mark the 9th November, teachers and pupils at the school arranged a musical and literary evening, which served as a remembrance meeting. Mr. Olmer represented the Jewish community. The press report in Appendix 17 gives a sympathetic account of the event..


Berufsfachschule Maria-Hilf

Students from the school visited the Walsdorf cemetery in February and prepared a report under the title Mahnmal wider das Vergessen (a warning monument against Forgetting), which was reported at length in the Fränkischer Tag of 16.2.2001.


I have not received any information this year on any relevant activities of the Clavius Gymnasium (formerly Oberrealschule), the Dientzenhofer Gymasium (a post-War foun- dation), or any other school. This does not mean that there were none.



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